zaterdag 26 maart 2016

Study // useful study apps/sites


Today I really wanted to post some nice and super useful apps and sites for studying.

Lately I have been searching and trying new apps that can be useful for studying and making homework etc.
So I will share the apps and sites I think that are the most useful.

Momentum is one of my favourite. It is a chrome extension. When you add it to your chrome and you start a new tab you will have a really beautiful tab page. You should really check it out!

Refme,com is a site that will safe your sources and make them organized. This is super easy for when you are making an essay for school.

Duolingo and Memrise
Duolingo and Memrise are both sites and apps. You can learn languages on both for free! I use them both for my Italian, and they make learning fun. The sites are both even better than the apps, because they show you the grammar. And on Duolingo's site you can also add discussions and do small games. These are both one of my favourites!

Minly is a minmap making app. I just discovered it today, but I am already in love with it. It is super easy to use and such an amazing app.

Forest: Stay Focused
Forest is absolutely one of my favourite apps! The aim is to create a forest with your hard work. For every hour on your books, a tree will grow up. But if you use any other app while the tree is growing, it dies. This helps you to stay focused on your study and away from your smartphone.

Pomodoro timer
Pomodoro timer is very useful if you use the pomodoro app for studying. It sets a timer for 25 minutes and also times your 5 min break so you will get back to your work easily.

Coffitivity is also one of my most used and favourite apps. If the sound of a coffeehouse is what keeps you focused, this application mimics the noises   even if you’re not able to go to one.

Everyone knows Spotify. And it can be very useful with studying. You can find some amazing focus playlists!

8tracks is another music app. You can make your own playlist but you can also listen to others playlists. So it is perfect if you like music and like to study with music on.

Quizlet is a flashcard app. You can make your own flashcards and you can play games in the app to train your brain. It is very useful if you need to know facts or just vocabulary.

Google Keep is a very good to do-app. Note down little remainders and things to accomplish throughout the day, and access them online once the day is over! The best feeling is ticking things you’ve done, and feeling like you’ve done a lot… even if you haven’t!

Solcalendar is one of my new favourite apps. It is a planner and a to-do-app in one!!

Evernote, I haven't used it a lot yet. But I hear a lot of positive things about this app! if you need an app to write, to take notes with photos attached, to make lists and so on, Evernote is your dream app. It is very easy to use and if you sign up, you can create a link with your computer and save everything there too. You can also record your lessons and listen to them later.

Waterin or Plant Nanny
Waterin and Plant Nanny are both water tracking apps. They remind you to drink water. And if you are a person like me, who doesn't drink enough on a day, this app is so good! It reminds you every hour (if you want) and tracks how much water you drink. It is personalised because you have to give a bit of personal things but it is so amazing! I would highly recommend these!

Colorfy is THE app to use if you are really stressed, or just bored. These adult coloring books are really high trending at the moment. This is the app version of it, and it is amazing! It makes you calm and you can get creative.

I hope some of these apps are useful for you as well and I hope you enjoyed this post.

Lots of love,

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I really like this post and I wil definitely try th solcalender bc I waslooking for a good calender app for a while now :)

    Greetings from austria and I'd love it if you would have a look at my new blog too! <3


    1. Ahw Thank you so much! Ofcourse I will take a look at your blog too :)


